Iress Limited (Iress) is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and is subject to the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.
ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations
The Principles and Recommendations require listed entities to establish measurable objectives for achieving gender diversity and to report on progress towards achieving these in its Annual Report or Corporate Governance Statement.
The measurable objectives adopted by the Board in December 2022 are set out below.
In 2021 Iress adopted a three year objective to increase female representation at Iress to 40% by December 2024. Iress has committed to the 40:40 Vision
● 40% women
● 40% men
● 20% any gender (women, men, other)
Deliver DEI Foundation Training to all people in 2024 to promote a greater common understanding and awareness of what inclusion really is and how it can benefit an organisation, teams, leaders and employees.
Iress’ objective is to implement new strategies for recruiting and promoting people into leadership positions and new talent programmes to achieve gender balance in Leadership roles by 2030.
Deliver focussed DEI awareness training on Inclusive Recruitment for Talent Acquisition People Partners and Hiring managers.
Target 45% of female representation of candidates to be interviewed for all roles.
Target 50% female representation of hires in New Talent Programs.
Maintain Endorsed Employer status with Work180
Iress’ objective is to continue to ensure that there is no remuneration disparity or bias in our remuneration policies and processes, ensuring people are fairly and consistently rewarded. In implementing such policies and processes, Iress aims to maintain pay equity for like-for-like roles and performance.
Continue to undertake annual role-by-role remuneration reviews (by country) to ensure role gender remuneration parity, and continue to submit annual Gender Pay Gap reports.
Iress’ objective is to broaden the focus of our DEI Strategy beyond gender diversity and ensure DEI is embedded in our processes and culture Iress’ objective is to engage with our employees to combat discrimination and promote respect, inclusion, opportunity and community in our workplace.
Review people data, policies and practices with a broad DEI lens that considers both global and regional DEI challenges and requirements and identifies any barriers to equity and inclusion in specific regions.
Raise awareness and educate all people leaders on DEI gaps and barriers.
Publish a DEI statement of intent stating what Iress intends on achieving as it relates to DEI.
Evolve the DEI strategy with a 3-year DEI plan which outlines the action that will be taken, aligned to our DEI statement of intent. It will include clear measurable objectives, leadership accountability, an agreed program of initiatives and the establishment of local DEI councils to encourage engagement and participation from all people within Iress.
Iress is a technology company providing software to the financial services industry.