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Built for better advice: law of attraction starts with you

Want to land more leads and build your book but don’t know where to begin?  We speak to coaching experts Yvonne Killian and Jason Bernic on what you should focus on to prospect successfully besides the usual lead-generating tactics.

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What’s stopping your digital strategy from moving forward?

From having a clear strategy to seeing a return on your investment sooner, here’s our top 3 tips on moving your digital strategy forward.

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Iress and Listcorp connect South African investors and companies

We’ve recently launched Iress’ investor relations, where South African listed companies can engage with investors in a richer, more personalised way that goes beyond market announcements.

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Hype vs opportunity: The trends private wealth firms should follow

Despite significant technology acceleration, which trends yield tangible outcomes and which ones we should turf.  This helpful guide will provide you with the top three trends that are key for future planning.

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Iress Learning Centre: launched 2nd August

We have launched our new Iress Learning Centre—a platform for learning how to get the most out of Iress software. This will initially include Xplan and CommPay, with a view to bring onboard other software in the future.

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