Important information about this site
Copyright in the whole and every part of this website is owned by or licensed to the companies within the Iress group, unless otherwise indicated. Reproduction is limited to the downloading to a local hard disk and printing extracts for your personal, non-commercial use. The content of the website may not be copied or otherwise incorporated into or stored in any other website, electronic retrieval system, publication or other work in any form without our prior written consent and in accordance with relevant legislation.
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We will do our best to check this website for viruses but we do not warrant that this website is free of viruses or other malicious content. For your own benefit, you should make sure that you have appropriate software and systems in place to check for viruses and other malicious content on the internet.
We try to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and helpful at all times. However, we cannot warrant the accuracy of any information and cannot be held liable for any use or reliance you may make of or put on it. We do not accept liability for any errors or omissions and reserve the right to change information at any time including but not restricted to; products, services, prices, descriptions and product or service specifications.
We do our best to ensure that this website operates properly at all times, but we make no warranties as to the availability or accessibility of the website, and we will not be liable for any damages, loss, costs or expenses incurred by you as a result of any lack of availability or accessibility of the website.
The products available for viewing and downloading on the website include information which is supplied by persons not controlled by Iress.
Iress does not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided by a ‘third party service provider’ (service provider), does not exert any editorial control over such information and, in relation to that information, we are acting solely in the capacity of a carrier by conveying the information directly or indirectly from the service provider to you. Ires does not guarantee the timeliness, sequence, accuracy or completeness of any information provided by a service provider.
You shall use the information provided by the service only for your own use. You must not on-sell any such information nor may you replicate, alter, commercialise, disclose or make available such information to any person without the express written consent of:
We aim to update our website regularly, and may change the content at any time. If the need arises, we may suspend access to our website, or close it indefinitely. Any of the material on our website may be out of date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update such material.
We will not be liable for any loss, damage, expense, costs, delays or other liability whatsoever (including without limitation any financial losses such as loss of profit) which you may incur as a result of any event beyond our reasonable control (including without limitation any failure of transmission, communication, computer or other facilities or your inability to access this website for any reason or any failure, error or delay in the sending or receiving of any notice or communication or instruction through the post or any electronic medium).
We will not be liable for any loss, damage, expense, costs, delays or other liability whatsoever incurred by you as a result of you using and/or downloading any third party software which we offer on this website for your convenience and provide no warranty as to its quality or fitness for purpose.
You will indemnify Iress and all its officers, employees, agents, related parties and associates against any loss incurred by them as a result of your use of the website or the products available on it.
You must indemnify and hold harmless Iress or its employees and keep them indemnified, against all loss, actions, proceedings, costs, expenses (including legal fees), claims and damages arising from:
Subject to rights and terms implied by law, Iress accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, cost or expense (whether direct or indirect) incurred by you as a result of any error, omission or misrepresentation in any information in this website, or in the products available for viewing and downloading on this website.
Iress is a technology company providing software to the financial services industry.